My Life With Psoriasis

Archive for September 2009

It’s been 2 weeks since I’ve been taking Olivenol and applying Mebo on my leg. I’ve been doing it religiously ever since the day I first started this program. Today I completed my 1st bottle of Olivenol, and I will be opening the new bottle tomorrow.

Here are the pictures of my condition now. Frankly, I do not see much change in the pictures, but the amount of flakes have reduced. Or maybe I just wish too hard that this will actually work and I can successfully conquer psoriasis.


Right Scalp


Right Scalp


Left Scalp


Left Scalp


Right Elbow


Left Leg

Lately I have also been bery stressed. Office work is plenty, as well as my freelance work. Sigh. The things we do to make a little more on the side for a better life. Haha. Weekends are my personal sanctuaries. It’s my time for myself, to relax and to sleep, of course. I’ve been quite busy lately that I almost forgot to write this weekly post. And I was actually meaning to write up some stuff about my experiences with psoriasis during my school and university days. Hope I find the time soon. Till next time, take care folks.

It’s the 6th day of using Olivenol AND the MEBO cream for my leg. Well, I couldn’t take photos of my scalp by myself since my bro will only be back on the weekend. So I promise to put up pictures on Sunday night OR Monday morning. I haven’t actually seen any changes to my scalp, but hey, it’s only 6 days. This is science, not magic. There’s a long way to go still.

There seems to be improvement on my leg, though. The MEBO cream seems to work great. Here are the BEFORE / AFTER pictures.





There’s an improvement, eh? Maybe the photos can’t do much justice. But believe me, my leg isn’t looking so “diseased” like before. It’s looking more like “healing-after-a-burn” kinda way. 🙂

Hopefully this is one of the many good things to come my way!

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